After a student at the international partner university of Yeungnam University is nominated by the home university and sends necessary documents for the application, Yeungnam University will admit the student to the exchange program at Yeungnam University for the period of exchange program. All the application forms shall be completed with p.c. to make the document legible and the documents shall be sent by the international office of the home university. Once you are admitted to the exchange program, the admission package with the certificate of admission will be sent to your home university and you can apply for visa to Korea for the purpose of exchange program.
Before entering Korea
Submission -
Receipt of
Acceptance Letter
Pre-arrival Information Spring 2022
Download the Pre-arrival Information Spring 2022
After entering Korea
Alien Registration Card (ARC)
- Registration
All foreigners staying in Korea for more than 90 days are required to obtain an Alien Registration Card (ARC). It takes approximately one to one and a half months for the ARC to be issued after the application is submitted.
- Required Documents
- Application
- Copy of Passport
- 3.5x4.5cm ID photo with white background
- KRW 50,500
- Confirmation of Residence/
Accommodation - Centificate of eurollment of YU
What to study at YU
- Exchange students are allowed to take regular courses for one or two semester(s), and may transfer the credits of what they earn at Yeungnam University.
- Minimum Credit Load for Exchange Students : 12 credits/semester
Maximum Credit Load : 17 or 18 Credits credits/semester - See more the undergraduate programs and its introduction, curriculum and so on :
What YU offers to exchange students
Pick-up Service
The Office of International Cooperation offers a pick-up service for all exchange students from other countries in a certain period of time. Incoming exchange students should submit a written notification at least two (2) weeks prior to arrival. The service is available between Yeungnam University and three destinations which are Daegu Airport, Dong Daegu Station and Dong Daegu Bus Terminal.
Orientation is the perfect way for new exchange students to get YU experience off to a great start. Specific information on orientation will be noticed after arrival at the campus.
Field Trip
Exchange students will be enjoying unique Korean cultures which they have never experienced.
We give newly-incoming exchange students a chance to participate in field trips to attractions in Korea. We offer this program once a semester free of charge.
Yeungnam University students will gladly be buddies for exchange students. They will assist exchange students to make a better adjustment in a university life.
LPP (Language Partner Program)
The international exchange student can have a part-time job as a Language teacher for our students. Any incoming exchange student with a command of English or other languages will lead two teams of Yeungnam University students to study for English conversational skills. A team will be composed of 5 students and the team will undertake around 4-8 hours of Language study in a week. After successful performance as a tutor, the international exchange student is entitled to receive a certain amount of monthly stipend (KRW 300,000) for three months.
Club activity
There are a number of student clubs at Yeungnam University. Those clubs cover lots of fields, from academic activities to sports. If the international students wish to join the clubs, we will recommend them to arrange appointments with the student clubs assisted by their buddy.